Report an Ethics Concern
Report an Ethics Concern
The Accusoft Human Resources Department is dedicated to making sure Accusoft and its employees act in an ethical way; following all corporate-level policies and applicable laws and regulations.
If you have any reason to believe corporate policies or applicable laws and regulations have been or may be violated, you are expected to immediately report such activity.
Customers and third party vendors needing to submit a report of unethical behavior relating to an Accusoft employee may do so by contacting the VP of Employee Experience via email or phone (813-875-7575).
To submit a report of unethical behavior anonymously, please utilize an anonymous email service. Address the email to Human Resources, and state the nature or the concern.
All reports will be investigated immediately and kept confidential, except where there is a legitimate need to know.
Management also has a responsibility to guard against retaliation against individuals who seek to enforce their own privacy rights or those of others.