Technical FAQs


I encounter an Unhandled Exception error, as shown below, in ImageGear when trying to load a page into the recognition engine.

Error Message: An unhandled exception of type
‘ImageGear.Core.ImGearException’ occurred in ImageGear22.Core.dll

Additional information: IMG_DPI_WARN (0x4C711): Non-supported
resolution. Value1:0x4C711

What is causing this and how can I fix it?


This is probably because the original image used to create the page didn’t have a Resolution Unit set.

Resolution unit not set in original image

To fix this, check if the page has a Resolution Unit set. If it does not, set it to inches. You should also set the DPI of the image as those values were probably not carried over from the original image since the Resolution Unit wasn’t set. The following code demonstrates how to do this.

// Open file and load page.
using (var inStream = new FileStream(@"C:\Path\To\InputImage.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
    // Load first page.
    ImGearPage igPage = ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(inStream, firstPage);

    if (igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.Units == ImGearResolutionUnits.NO_ABS)
        igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.Units = ImGearResolutionUnits.INCHES;
        igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.XNumerator = 300;
        igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.XDenominator = 1;
        igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.YNumerator = 300;
        igPage.DIB.ImageResolution.YDenominator = 1;

    using (var outStream = new FileStream(@"C:\Path\To\OutputImage.jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
        // Import the page into the recognition engine.
        using (ImGearRecPage recognitionPage = recognitionEngine.ImportPage((ImGearRasterPage)igPage))
            // Preprocess the page.

            // Perform recognition.

            // Write the page to the output file.
            recognitionEngine.OutputManager.DirectTextFormat = ImGearRecDirectTextFormat.SimpleText;
            recognitionEngine.OutputManager.WriteDirectText(recognitionPage, outStream);

I would like to remove the mark selection handles from the marks (annotations and redactions) in the viewer so that my users can’t resize marks, but so they can still move the marks around. How can I do this?


The easiest way to achieve the functionality you’re looking for would be to simply change the CSS for the mark handles to set their display to none !important. The CSS for the mark handles can be found in viewercontrol.css. See the following code for an example:

/* mark selection handles */
.pccMarkHandleTextSelectionEnd {
    position: absolute;
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
    display: none !important;
    background-image: url(...);

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), 
       screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx),
       screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
    .pccMarkHandleTextSelectionEnd {
        -webkit-background-size: 40px 40px;
                background-size: 40px;
        display: none !important;
        background-image: url(...);

You will want to set the !important flag so that the functions inside viewercontrol don’t set the display back to block.

One thing you may want to do is separate out pccMarkHandleTextSelectionStart and pccMarkHandleTextSelectionEnd to not include display: none. This way, the text selection annotations are able to be edited, since they are reliant on the handles for "movement" because they select a portion of the text signified by the handles. 

As speed and efficiency have become increasingly vital for business success, it’s hardly a surprise that organizations across many industries have turned to white labeling as a way of retaining their competitive edge. While white labeling can be found in every industry, it’s proved to be incredibly important in the technology sector, where many independent software vendors rely upon white label software to build better applications and solutions.

How Does White Labeling Work?

In many instances, organizations need to launch a product quickly and may not have expertise in some aspect of their business. A software developer that specializes in FinTech solutions for processing loan applications, for example, may have the machine learning tools to sift through documents quickly but lack the viewing and editing features that would allow users to collaborate securely and effectively.

White labeling is a process where one company purchases a product from another company and then rebrands it for their own use. For physical products, this usually means repackaging and reselling something, but with digital products, the rebranding typically involves customizing the user experience (UI) to incorporate it into an existing application. 

In the previous example, the FinTech developer might turn to a product like PrizmDoc Viewer to integrate secure viewing capabilities into their platform. Using PrizmDoc Viewer’s white label software features, the company could rebrand the UI with its own logo and terminology. The average user, then, would never know that some aspects of their FinTech solution incorporates products made by another software manufacturer.

4 Benefits of Using White Label Software

Companies of all sizes turn to white label solutions when building their applications. Here are some of the reasons why they they choose this option instead of building everything they need from scratch:

1. Rapid Deployment

One of the obvious advantages to adopting a white label software solution is the speed of deployment. Building new features within an application takes both time and developer resources. If everything needs to be coded and deployed from scratch, production timelines can quickly extend indefinitely. As deadlines are pushed back, developers may even be pulled away from working on more innovative software features to build basic functionality into their applications. This vicious cycle makes it bring a product to market in time to capitalize on opportunities.

With easy-to-integrate white label software, companies can rapidly integrate the functionality they need into their applications and dedicate more resources to the novel features that will set them apart in a crowded marketplace. The ability to deploy core capabilities quickly means that teams can get to a minimum viable product faster and bring their software to market. Since white labeling allows them to rebrand and customize their integration to match the rest of the application interface, end users still enjoy a seamless experience.

2. Proven Functionality

When production deadlines are tight, it usually doesn’t make sense to have developers spending their time building a solution that already exists as a ready-made integration. Although open-source tools can be quite attractive, they don’t always provide the robust features expected of modern applications. In many cases, development teams have to spend valuable time building upon open-source solutions just to get them to work properly within an application framework.

White label software provides proven functionality right out of the box, allowing developers to quickly integrate the features they need and get back to working on other priorities. They also offer a more specialized approach to application needs. Rather than trying to build something new or adapt a similar solution, developers can select the exact features they need, implement them, and know that they’ll work as promised. Since they’re supported products, white label software also provides more peace of mind when it comes to updates and patching vulnerabilities. 

3. Budget Friendly

Developing new software features is an expensive undertaking. It requires companies to hire developers with the right expertise, dedicate hardware and processing capabilities, and multiple rounds of testing just to get to a viable state, but the costs don’t stop there. Once new functionality is built, it will require ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that it continues to work as intended and stays secure against potential threats. Those additional costs can quickly become burdensome for a software company that simply wants to incorporate common features into their application.

With white label software, companies can have all the benefits of third party support without compromising their user experience. White label API solutions integrate seamlessly into an application and the company can turn to the vendor for support when something goes wrong or when new features are needed. Eliminating ongoing maintenance from the budget means that teams can spend more of their resources on delivering a better overall product to their customers. 

4. Flexible Scalability

Software applications often change significantly throughout their lifecycle. What begins as a small program with only a few features can scale very quickly into an enterprise-grade workhorse that must meet the needs of multiple departments. Having a solution in place that can grow and change along with business needs is vital for organizations looking to retain their flexibility.

Customizable white label software makes it easy for companies to grow their applications along with their business. They can begin with a modest feature set and then implement additional tools as needed as user needs change over time. This versatility also frees up developers to build innovative solutions that may require features that are not being used in an existing application, but could easily be enabled when the time comes. Having flexible, scalable white-label technology built into a platform early on opens up a wide range of possibilities for future development.

The Behind-the-Scenes Ingredient to Your Application’s Success

As a software manufacturer specializing in API technologies for document processing, conversion, and automation, Accusoft has spent many years building solutions that work “under the hood” to enhance our customers’ applications. That’s why the PrizmDoc Suite of products incorporates white label software features to help them blend seamlessly into your existing platform. Whether you’re looking to add new capabilities or need to incorporate functionality quickly to get your products to market faster, our flexible integrations can help solve your document management challenges on your terms. Talk to our team today to find out which solution is right for you.

Emerging legal technology

Ongoing Legal Digital Transformation

There are many challenges facing the legal industry that legal tech and new emerging legal technology can help solve, but getting firms to adopt new technology to address these challenges can be a hurdle.  But the most recent challenge within the eDiscovery process is compounding them all. 

The Arrival of New eDiscovery Challenges

The change to a remote/hybrid work environment starting in 2020 during the worldwide COVID pandemic transformed the working world. Even while some companies have returned to the physical workspace, hybrid and fully remote working conditions continue to exist. This means that the collaborative working social platforms and mobile apps we all used to communicate and work with (Teams, Slack, Zoom, Webex, WhatsApp, Google Meet, etc.) are here to stay. 

Regardless of whether employees are in-office, hybrid, or working remotely, using these collaborative working social platforms has become the new norm. This has had profound effects on legal firms performing eDiscovery, most of whom still depend on tools and review processes designed for standard digital documents (such as .doc, .xlxs, .ppt, etc), paper documents, and email. The process of collecting, viewing, searching, redacting, and collaborating across traditional documents and emails has pivoted, and firms are responsible for including the digitized content from these collaborative working social platforms in their eDiscovery.

Compounding the Problem

Processing this new collaborative working social content is a big enough challenge on its own. Unfortunately, many in the legal industry weren’t fully optimized with their digital transformation by adopting previously available legal tech. While some traditional eDiscovery tools have reached maturity and are being utilized by firms, many slower-to-adopt firms are still fighting internally to have legal tech implemented.

How can firms (both early adopters and those still in the digital transformation process) prepare for eDiscovery across these new platforms filled with chat streams, emojis, and video recordings?

Enter Third-Party Software Integrations

Legal tech independent software vendors (ISVs) can be assured that there is technology available that can support their eDiscovery across these collaborative working social platforms. But better still, they don’t need to build a solution from scratch. 

Readily available and easy to adopt, third-party software integrations allow ISVs to add the capabilities they need without disrupting development timelines or building features from scratch. The ability to view, search, annotate, and redact content within documents securely inside an existing application without sacrificing everyday functionality is powerful.

Take on Your eDiscovery Challenges with Accusoft

Accusoft software integrations help legal tech ISVs build a more productive process for case review and eDiscovery. With unique technology that enables easy digital document processing, manual processes like search and redaction are no longer labor-intensive. Accusoft’s digital document lifecycle technologies streamline collaboration and information-sharing while keeping files secure and original metadata intact.

Looking specifically to address the new challenges of processing new collaborative working platform content within your eDiscovery process? Accusoft’s solutions can not only view these new collaborative platform transcript file types (including JSON, VTT, DOCX) but also search, redact, and offer secure collaboration directly inside your application.

To learn more about how Accusoft integrations can support your legal digital transformation and eDiscovery challenges, talk to one of our technology experts today.

_ _ _

For more information on Accusoft’s software integrations for eDiscovery, case, and practice management applications, visit our Legal industries page.


October 11, 2023 – Tampa, FLAccusoft is pleased to announce the newest additions to PrizmDoc’s industry-leading document processing capabilities: video playback and an advanced optical character recognition (OCR) API integration. These new additions allow PrizmDoc to provide even more support to developers looking to add essential features to their applications.

PrizmDoc’s new video playback feature makes it easy for clients to natively embed videos into their software without having to rely on external hosting platforms or third-party plug-ins. The feature not only enhances security, but also delivers a seamless user experience that today’s customers expect from their applications. 

With PrizmDoc’s new advanced OCR API, web developers can now access Accusoft’s optical character recognition technology that was previously only accessible via an SDK.  The features included in the new OCR API enable full page and zonal recognition for document and forms processing as well as support for location and confidence information for each character. With a simple API call, PrizmDoc can extract searchable text from any supported raster file. The new OCR API add-on option for PrizmDoc also offers support for 60+ languages plus an option for Asian languages. 

“Today’s applications need more than the ability to view and manage documents,” says Jack Berlin, CEO of Accusoft. “By enabling video playback and allowing developers to tap into our proven OCR technology with a simple API call, we’re making it easier for PrizmDoc customers to deliver an all-in-one solution for their customers that provides a better overall user experience.”

To learn more about PrizmDoc or to download a free trial and experience the new video playback and OCR API features first-hand, visit our website.

About Accusoft

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in document processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve th most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including OnTask, PrizmDoc, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at

Accusoft Banner


A large government agency with millions of employees needed to manage personnel records and payment information while also making documents and images easily accessible for all users. Each document trail spanned the duration of the employee’s time with the agency, resulting in a repository containing hundreds of millions of documents. The existing system used a combination of custom-developed, Windows-based image viewers that were cumbersome, difficult to maintain, and presented security risks. 


As the system struggled to keep up with demand, employees became increasingly frustrated with the system. Rather than viewing documents within the system, they began using workarounds like printing out files or saving them to another device, both of which presented serious security risks since the records contained personally identifiable information. The agency needed a solution that could manage hundreds of millions of documents while still providing users with simple, secure, and quick access to personnel records and payment information. 

Although the document repository’s legacy viewing solution was no longer able to meet the agency’s needs, developing a new document viewer was prohibitively expensive and required expertise its IT team did not possess. Rather than building a solution from scratch, it made more sense to evaluate viewing integrations available on the market. The agency set out to find a viewer that could support multiple document types, including TIFF and PDF/A, for both viewing and archival purposes. Whatever solution the IT team chose to adopt would have to integrate smoothly into the existing legacy system to avoid a costly and time-consuming overhaul. 


After evaluating several options, the agency turned to Accusoft’s PrizmDoc® for Java, formerly VirtualViewer®. As a Java-based viewer that uses HTML5 to render files for viewing, PrizmDoc® for Java would allow the document repository to access files quickly and easily. PrizmDoc® for Java’s extensive file format support allowed the agency to render PDF, Word, Excel, AFP, DWG, TIFF, and more in one universal viewer. The integration’s built-in library eliminated the need for a third-party application or additional license, further simplifying the agency’s document management processes. 

Another key priority was giving employees the ability to access documents from multiple devices. In the past, the system’s legacy viewer only allowed them to open and view documents on a desktop with the right software installed. To streamline the employee experience, the agency required a viewer that could be accessed from any device that supports a web browser, including tablets and smartphones. PrizmDoc® for Java’s true cross-platform support and complete mobility provided the flexibility the agency needed to access documents from anywhere, at any time. The integration’s HTML5 technology and Java-based viewing allowed users to view and manipulate files within the browser, eliminating the need for an external application. 

PrizmDoc® for Java’s quick installation and integration process made it the ideal solution for the agency. Installing PrizmDoc® for Java’s document viewer took less than 10 minutes for proof of concept (POC) testing on any desktop, laptop, or virtual machine. The integration also provided APIs and developer tools to make integrating and leveraging the technology simple and easy, including RESTful content handlers that allowed for a more flexible development and deployment process.


PrizmDoc® for Java’s high-speed viewing for large files allowed document rendering and processing to be split between the server and browser, delivering an extremely high-speed response. The integration’s advanced features, including annotation, redaction, splitting, merging, and more, provided far more functionality than was possible under the legacy viewer. PrizmDoc® for Java’s robust thumbnail panels also simplified working on large documents using full-panel thumbnail displays, as well as the option to adjust thumbnail size. 

By implementing PrizmDoc® for Java, the government agency was able to provide more streamlined access to personnel and payroll records, saving employees and HR personnel time and money while eliminating security and management issues associated with the previous viewing solution. Millions of users are now able to view critical information related to their records via any device that has access to a web browser. PrizmDoc® for Java’s robust document support and easy-to-use interface made it an essential tool for the agency’s document management and collaboration processes. The agency was able to continue using their existing repository system while also gaining the benefits of a modern, user-friendly document viewer.

About Accusoft

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve their most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including Docubee, PrizmDoc Viewer, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at  

development team
It doesn’t matter if you are a small startup or an enterprise giant, or if you have in-house development teams or contractors. The effectiveness of your tech teams is an integral part of your business success and strategic growth.

We live in a world driven by technology, and technology is changing fast. Companies can’t escape this reality. It’s either evolve with technology or become extinct. Don’t take my word for it. Think about the evolution of technology in industries like transportation (Uber), retail (Amazon), and video (Netflix). You can try to escape reality, but you will probably fail.

One of the first things that comes to mind when talking about software development teams is to ask if teams are absolutely necessary. Can’t we rely on individual tech professionals instead of teams working for our companies? Maybe the whole is not more than the sum of its parts?

The fact is that, in general, teams outperform individuals. When people work in a team toward a common goal, they combine their skills. In a team, individual performance increases, and people are able to solve more complex problems, efficiently and effectively.

My name is Joshua Candamo. I’m a technology leader with a PhD in computer science. My background is pretty diverse, and includes considerable experience programming as well as over 14 years of technology leadership.

I am currently a Director of Development for Accusoft, a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. My engineering group collaborates with about 40 people including in-house software developers, offshore contractors, technical writers, product management, quality, marketing, and sales professionals.

I want to share what I’ve learned from my personal experience of building development teams over the last 14 years, and a few useful tips to doing so successfully.

Without further ado, let’s talk about the three simple things that I found can make or break development teams.

To get started, let’s point out the obvious. Don’t fight nature; embrace it.

If you try to plant a rose in the middle of the desert, it will most certainly die.

You can’t fight nature. However, if you understand nature, you can embrace it and make decisions that align with it.

You can simply build a greenhouse in a harsh environment and succeed at growing a rose pretty much anywhere. Using the same logic, there are some foundational pieces that you have to anticipate in order to build a successful team. Avoiding basic considerations of team building will likely make your development team fail or underperform.

Team building is a broad and complex topic. And, it’s also a topic that I’m passionate about. Not everything around team building is complicated. However, most initiatives require a methodical approach to correctly execute them.

I’ll go over three ideas that are straightforward to implement, and don’t require major capital investment. Learn more in the rest of my article here.



Josh Candamo, Director of SDKs

Josh Candamo, Director of SDKs

Joshua Candamo, PhD, Development Director for the SDK product group, oversees the development and maintenance of 22 of Accusoft SDK imaging products. He believes that your most valuable intellectual property has nothing to do with patents or technology, but everything to do with your people. He is passionate about team building and creating the right corporate culture to develop amazing software products. Josh joined Accusoft in 2015 after a career in software development that included technology leadership, entrepreneurship, consulting, and both back-end and front-end development. He holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of South Florida, specializing in pattern recognition and image processing.

On June 25, 2021, Accusoft announced the latest update to PrizmDoc Viewer, its industry-leading HTML5 document viewing and image processing integration. The version 13.17 update improves a number of existing features and adds key functionality, allowing developers to offer even more versatility within their applications.

“Staying still is never an option,” says Mark Fears, Director of Product Management at Accusoft. “We’re always exploring ways to improve our existing products to help software developers do more for their customers. This update incorporates a lot of feedback we’ve received from our partners.”

In addition to improving rendering fidelity and redaction functionality, version 13.17 also makes significant improvements to PrizmDoc Viewer’s Content Conversion Service (CCS):

  • Convert Markup Changes in Microsoft Word: When converting DOCX files into another file format with CCS, you can now choose to convert accepted or rejected markup changes along with the document text.
  • Convert Speaker Notes in Microsoft PowerPoint: When converting PPTX files into another format using CCS, you can elect to convert the slides only or include any speaker notes in the new document.

Incorporated into thousands of applications worldwide to deliver responsive file viewing and conversion, PrizmDoc Viewer supports multiple proprietary and open file formats. Its powerful REST APIs allow developers to integrate the annotation, redaction, and document comparison features today’s businesses are looking for into their software.

To learn more about Accusoft’s PrizmDoc Viewer or download a trial for a first-hand look, please visit our website.

About Accusoft: 

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve their most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including OnTask, PrizmDoc™ Viewer, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at


What is the proper way of using affinity tokens in cluster mode where multiple file IDs using multiple affinity tokens need to be combined?


If you are using PrizmDoc Server in cluster (multi-server) mode, and you are using Content Conversion Services to merge multiple files into one, or whenever multiple file ids using multiple affinity tokens need to be combined; your requests need to use a single affinity token. Because affinity tokens need to go in the header, you might think you are required to include all/both of the files’ affinity tokens in the header.

If you find yourself in this situation, the correct method is to re-use the first affinity token you get for all subsequent resources you create. For example, if you create a work file, you’ll get an affinity token back in the response. That affinity token needs to be set in the Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header of any subsequent resources (work files, content converter, viewing sessions, etc.) that you create later and want to use together.

An example is located here:

The main takeaway here is that the initial request that is made to the server for a workfile will return an affinity token. This very same affinity token must be used in the header Accusoft-Affinity-Token for all subsequent requests in this conversion/stitching process.

The most relevant quote from that page is:

“In cluster mode, the PrizmDoc Server API will automatically generate an affinity token when it receives a POST request for a new ViewingSession, WorkFile, MarkupBurner, RedactionCreator, or ContentConverter resource and return it in the response. Once you have obtained an affinity token, you will need to pass this in with related requests using the Accusoft-Affinity-Token HTTP custom header.”

Here is a separate custom example of stitching two TIFF images together by converting them to a PDF.

First TIFF image

Request with no affinity token:

POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


    "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
    "fileExtension": "tif",
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Second TIFF image


POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=


    "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
    "fileExtension": "tif",
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Content Conversion


POST /v2/contentConverters HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/json
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=

    "input": {
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ"
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw"
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf"


    "input": {
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "forceOneFilePerPage": false
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                "pages": ""
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                "pages": ""
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-10-03T19:12:52.005Z",
    "processId": "1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw",
    "state": "processing",
    "percentComplete": 0,
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Content Conversion Request:


GET /v2/contentConverters/1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=

Content Conversion Complete Response:

    "input": {
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "forceOneFilePerPage": false
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                "pages": ""
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                "pages": ""
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-10-03T19:12:52.005Z",
    "processId": "1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw",
    "state": "complete",
    "percentComplete": 100,
    "output": {
        "results": [
                "fileId": "tK4UbzryHWFoqOC6JJAjAg",
                "sources": [
                        "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                        "pages": "1"
                        "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                        "pages": "1"
                "pageCount": 2

Download The WorkFile:


GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=

Redacting documents is critically important for legal departments and government agencies. By removing sensitive information from a digital file before sharing it publicly, it’s possible to protect private data or classified materials from being exposed. 

In the days before digital documents, redaction involved a simple, if crude, process of covering text with a black marker. Since redactions were done by hand, it was easy for mistakes to be made, which could range from using insufficiently dark ink to leaving portions of text exposed. The development of high-powered photo enhancement has rendered this approach all but useless, as even inexpensive image processing technology can distinguish blacked-out text.

With the transition to digital documents, organizations finally have access to true redaction capabilities. Unfortunately, they still tend to make mistakes when it comes to flattened PDFs that could leave redacted context exposed and vulnerable.

What Is a Flattened PDF?

A modern PDF file consists of multiple layers, each of which can contain separate elements. One layer might feature text, another image, and yet another a fillable form. The flattening process removes all interactive elements from form fields and combines all of the document’s elements into a single layer. 

Organizations frequently used this process to “lock in” form content to prevent anyone from altering the information after a user completes the forms. It also removes elements like dropdown selections within form fields and can burn in other annotations or markups, making them a permanently visible element of the document.

Flattened PDF Redactions

Unfortunately, simply flattening a PDF is usually not sufficient to securely redact a document. That’s because obscured elements are still present in the document; they’re just not visible when the file is viewed and printed. 

Recovering improperly redacted content is actually quite trivial in many cases. Two of the most infamous recent examples include information released during the investigation of political campaign chairman Paul Manafort in 2019 and court documents related to Facebook’s use of personal data in 2017. In both cases, journalists were able to copy redacted text from PDF files and paste it into a text editor to reveal the obscured content.

There are typically two ways that improper redactions occur:

  1. Covering Text with Boxes: This frequent mistake occurs when people try to treat a digital document like a physical piece of paper. They place annotations over the sensitive content, usually in the form of a black box, and then save a flattened version of the PDF thinking that no one will be able to separate the text from the annotation element. As the Manafort and Facebook cases demonstrate, however, getting around these “redactions” is usually quite easy.
  2. Changing the Color of Text: Another common redaction error involves altering the color of the sensitive text to match the document background. Changing the text color to white, for instance, might make it invisible to the human eye, but it does nothing to alter the content itself. The text can be made visible again by using the copy/paste trick described above or by altering the background characteristics in another program. 

The only way to make these methods viable for true redactions would be to actually print the documents with the content hidden and then scan them back into digital form, where OCR could be used to reconstruct a new file. But even in this case, there’s a chance that a powerful OCR engine might be able to pick up the hidden elements.

Using Proper Redaction Prior to Flattening with PrizmDoc Viewer

In order to redact documents securely, applications need to have access to specialized redaction tools that are capable of actually removing content from the document itself before applying redaction indicators. PrizmDoc Viewer’s redaction API can find and extract key text while also providing single or multiple reasons for the removal. 

This not only allows organizations to redact documents quickly, but it also ensures that the redacted information won’t be exposed later because it no longer even exists within the document. More importantly, the outputted document is entirely new, so there is no deleted information to recover. 

While most people are familiar with the distinctive black bars that indicate redacted content, even this leaves behind significant context clues that could provide hints of what was removed. Consider, for instance, a document involving multiple parties where the names of conversation participants have been redacted.

The following information:

PDF Redaction

The length of the redaction, then, would at least indicate when the redaction did not involve one person or the other. There are also many instances involving government documents where the length of the redacted information in classified material might suggest its relevance or importance.

When it comes to GovTech applications that need to remove large portions of information for security reasons, it often helps to perform redaction BEFORE turning a document into a flattened PDF. The PrizmDoc Viewer redaction API can be used to quickly extract text from a document and then redact it as a plain text file

Unlike a static PDF document, plain text accounts for width variations, so all redactions can be replaced with a standardized <Text Redacted> marker that makes it impossible to know the length of the redacted content. The text could then be converted into a PDF after the redaction process is complete.

Take Control of PDFs with PrizmDoc Viewer

As a fully-featured HTML5 viewer, Accusoft’s PrizmDoc Viewer delivers powerful viewing, annotation, and conversion functionality to your web application. It provides a broad range of redaction capabilities that allow legal, financial, and government organizations to keep their sensitive data secure and protect their customers. 

By integrating these complex features into your applications, you can focus your development efforts on building the tools that set your solution apart from the competition while our proven technology powers your customers’ viewing and redaction needs. To learn more about PrizmDoc Viewer’s powerful capabilities, download a free trial and test how it can support and enhance your application.

legaltech legal workflow automation

Legal organizations faced tremendous challenges in 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19. Firms and departments rapidly transitioned to remote work environments and were forced to rely upon their established technology resources more than ever before. While the industry fared better than many others, the experience has caused organizations to rethink their longstanding business models and workflow processes. As firms consider what steps to take in 2021 and beyond, LegalTech developers must be closely attuned to the pressures informing those decisions so they can provide the software to support automation in law firms.

The research firm Gartner provided a glimpse into those pressures in a 2020 survey focused on legal spending trends. Their findings reveal an industry in transition as legal organizations increasingly work to expand their internal capabilities, improve legal document automation, and reduce reliance on outside spending. LegalTech developers are uniquely positioned to facilitate this inward turn with versatile legal workflow automation software.

Turning Weaknesses Into Strengths

The COVID-19 pandemic forced law firms and legal departments to take notice of organizational shortcomings that often escaped notice in previous years. According to Gartner research, the biggest area of concern was by far technology solutions. Some organizations found themselves saddled with legacy systems that lacked the robust feature set of modern LegalTech applications. Others, however, wisely made the investment in new software over the last decade, but those systems have not been fully adopted by legal personnel. This echoes the results from a 2020 Accusoft survey that found over 40 percent of firms are still relying on inefficient manual processes for document assembly, discovery, signature gathering, redaction, and contract management. 

For LegalTech developers, these twin shortcomings present a tremendous opportunity. Legal organizations will be in need of technology solutions that help them to automate low-value tasks and enhance collaboration capabilities while also looking to secure broader acceptance and buy-in from employees. That means delivering a streamlined, intuitive user experience will be every bit as important as integrating the latest legal workflow automation software.

Identifying Opportunities

The LegalTech market is a diverse and rapidly growing field that consists of multiple technology solutions. Gartner’s 2020 research into legal organizations offers a helpful snapshot of how far these firms and departments have to go when it comes to legal technology adoption and automation in law firms:

  • E-Billing: 48 percent
  • Contract LIfecycle Management: 44 percent
  • Document Management: 40 percent
  • eDiscovery: 33 percent
  • Records Management: 28 percent

Although overall legal spend did not change substantially from 2019 to 2020, the pandemic has caused firms to shift resources away from outsourced services and toward their in-house capabilities. With nearly a third of organizations looking to accelerate their technology, there are significant opportunities for LegalTech developers to deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions. Contract automation tools, document management platforms, and eDiscovery applications will all be in high demand thanks to their ability to help firms enhance their productivity and scale services in a sustainable fashion.

Improving Implementation

Understanding the work culture and processes of a legal organization is critical to any successful technology implementation. Without that knowledge, developers can end up building a solution that doesn’t meet a customer’s needs or is too removed from existing workflows to be easily adopted. This problem was quite pronounced in the early days of LegalTech software, when many legal professionals still had doubts about the usefulness of technology.

Communication between developers and legal departments is quickly improving, however. From 2018 to 2020, the number of organizations with a legal operations manager in place increased by 75.8 percent. In 40 percent of firms, that role is filled by a non-lawyer who is better equipped to facilitate conversations between software developers and internal stakeholders.

LegalTech developers can use this channel to get a better idea of how they can implement solutions like legal document automation through an organization’s existing technology stack with minimal disruption. They can also begin to address specific internal pain points and match those needs to the right software integrations to round out their application’s functionality. Versatile SDK and API integrations will play a crucial role in meeting these needs because developers may have to build out customized feature sets to provide the ideal capabilities.

Doing More with Less

Developers with the ability to build out customizable, flexible software applications can also help legal customers to eliminate redundant or outdated solutions they already have in place. There’s no reason for a firm to rely on one program for assembling documents, another for viewing and redlining them, and yet another for redacting them to protect privacy. With the right software integrations, LegalTech developers can build core productivity features into their platforms quickly and easily. They can then offer a comprehensive solution that solves multiple customer needs and allows them to incorporate more of their workflows into a comprehensive, secure application environment.

This consolidation of LegalTech capabilities will continue to be important as all but the largest legal organizations transition toward a more customer service-oriented business model that emphasizes competitive, transparent pricing and “off-the-shelf” legal services. Legal collaboration will increasingly expand to include the firm’s clients, which makes the adoption of easily-accessible web applications more important than ever. An ideal LegalTech solution will allow legal teams to share information easily, quickly, and securely with people inside and outside their organization. Developers can build the applications that make this possible, ushering in a new era of transparency, collaboration, and efficiency that will help firms continue to grow.

Choosing the Right Integrations

Accusoft’s collection of SDK and API integrations have long helped LegalTech developers incorporate the powerful features their customers are looking for into their applications. By turning to contract assembly tools like PrizmDoc Editor or the legal document automation capabilities of Barcode Xpress, software teams can quickly implement core functionality while dedicating the bulk of their resources to building innovative new features that will set their product apart in a crowded market. 

The benefits of selecting the right integration partner are particularly evident when looking at eDiscovery applications. Developing a comprehensive LegalTech eDiscovery platform requires a wide-range of viewing, annotation, comparison, conversion, search, and redaction options. Building those features from scratch can extend development timelines by months, which could potentially cost a software developer their chance to break into a highly competitive market. With an API integration like PrizmDoc Viewer, however, they can rapidly integrate proven features into their application to help deliver better performance to customers while also getting to market faster and saving valuable resources that may be needed elsewhere during the development cycle. 

To learn more about how Accusoft’s family of SDK and API integrations can transform your LegalTech application and improve automation in law firms, have a look at our LegalTech Fact Sheet and match the right solution to your development needs.