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Technical FAQ

How do I ensure temp files are deleted when closing ImageGear .NET?

Question How do I ensure temp files are deleted when closing ImageGear .NET? Answer All PDF objects are based on underlying low-level PDF objects that are not controlled by .NET resource manager and garbage collector. Because of this, each PDF object that is created from scratch should be explicitly disposed of using that object’s Dispose() […]

Technical FAQ

How do I ensure temp files are deleted when closing ImageGear .NET?

Question How do I ensure temp files are deleted when closing ImageGear .NET? Answer All PDF objects are based on underlying low-level PDF objects that are not controlled by .NET resource manager and garbage collector. Because of this, each PDF object that is created from scratch should be explicitly disposed of using that object’s Dispose() […]

Technical FAQ

How can I re-order PDF pages using ImageGear .NET?

Question I want to re-arrange the page order of a PDF. I’ve tried the following… var page = imGearDocument.Pages[indx].Clone(); imGearDocument.Pages.RemoveAt(indx); //// Exception: "One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted." imGearDocument.Pages.Insert(newIndx, page); But an exception is thrown. Somehow, even though the page was cloned, the exception states that the page can’t […]

Technical FAQ

Why am I getting SEHException from ImageGear .NET when attempting to load XFA PDF?

Question ImageGear .NET v24.6 added support for viewing PDF documents with XFA content. I’m using v24.8, and upon trying to open an XFA PDF, I get a SEHException for some reason… Why might this be happening? Answer One reason could be because you need to execute the following lines after initializing the PDF component, and […]

Blog Post

How to Convert Files to PDF with ImageGear

Having the right file conversion tools in place can make or break an application. Developers frequently face the challenge of managing multiple file types within a consolidated workflow. Without effective conversion tools, users are forced to rely on external applications that compromise both efficiency and security. Out of all the file formats developers must account […]

Blog Post

How to Split and Merge PDF Documents in C# with ImageGear

Today’s organizations are inundated with a variety of document and image formats on a regular basis. By integrating comprehensive PDF functionality into their applications, developers can provide the tools to manage those files much more easily. Converting files into PDFs makes them easier to share, modify, and annotate without having to worry about compatibility issues […]

Technical FAQ

What file formats does PrizmDoc Viewer currently support?

Question What file formats does PrizmDoc Viewer currently support? Answer Please refer to our latest documentation for the most up-to-date list of supported file formats: Supported File Formats For documentation on older versions of PrizmDoc Viewer, please see our documentation archive.



Technical FAQ

How do I remove XMP Data from my image using ImageGear .NET?

Question How do I remove XMP Data from my image using ImageGear .NET? Answer When removing XMP data in ImageGear, the simplest way to do this is to set the XMP Metadata node to null, like so: ImGearSimplifiedMetadata.Initialize(); doc.Metadata.XMP = new ImGearXMPMetadataRoot(); Or, you can traverse through the metadata tree and remove each node from […]

Technical FAQ

When using OCR in ImageGear .NET, is there any way to distinguish between a capital O and the number 0?

Question When using OCR in ImageGear .NET, is there any way to distinguish between a capital/uppercase letter O and the number 0? Answer Not without context or a font that makes the difference clear (such as one with a slashed 0). ImageGear will properly recognize Oliver and 1530 as containing O and 0, respectively, but […]

Technical FAQ

How do I insert or modify PDF Bookmarks using ImageGear .NET?

Question I am combining multiple PDF documents together, and I need to create a new bookmark collection, placed at the beginning of the new document. Each bookmark should go to a specific page or section of the new document. Example structure: Section 1 Document 1 Section 2 Document 2 How might I do this using […]