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Cloud API Conversion: Bridging the Document Divide

Document conversion is a top business priority, but many companies don’t have the systems and solutions in place to streamline this process. A quick search for “how do I convert…” returns a host of file names, from .doc to .jpg to .pdf and tiff. It’s a common query that lacks internal ability and forces users to go online looking for out-of-network answers.

As noted by CMS Wire, employees spend more than one-third of their workday searching for and consolidating information. If they can’t find the conversion tools they need in-house or online, staff spend even more time recreating key documents in the correct format. Accusoft’s cloud-based conversion API offers a way to reduce user frustration, streamline implementation, and improve overall productivity.

Reducing ROT

A recent Veritas report found that up to 33 percent of corporate data is redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT). While the big data explosion accounts for the uptick in trivial information and the long-tail impact of historic paper processes renders some data obsolete, redundant information persists as a problem in part thanks to lack of conversion options.

With staff now tasked to handle multiple, secure electronic forms and files — and ensure they’re only accessible to the right people at the right time — conversion is critical. Editable .doc files may need to be repurposed as read-only PDFs, while .html files may need to be repurposed as tiff or .png options for the purpose of corporate presentations or branding initiatives.

Accusoft’s conversion API helps developers build this functionality into existing applications, allowing users to provide a file and specify an output type.   Check out all of the combinations our API supports on our demo conversion page.

Incorporating Conversion

While many stand-alone conversion tools now exist, free versions run the risk of increased document security since IT professionals have no idea where sensitive data is being converted or if information is being stored without permission. Other, more expensive standalone solutions offer improved information security but come with their own drawbacks.

To streamline the process, Accusoft’s content conversion API offers easy integration into existing applications. Developers can simply copy-and-paste .NET or Node.js code into current applications to test the conversion functionality and align it with existing application functions.

Documents On-Demand

Users need to convert documents, and they’ll spend a significant amount of time searching for the right tools if in-house options aren’t available. Instead of forcing staff to convert files outside the IT purview, organizations can bridge the document divide with cloud API solutions that are easy to integrate, quick to deploy, and simple to use. Ready to boost conversion convenience? Get started today with 300 free transactions.