Improve Your DICOM Images With ImageGear Medical
Accidents happen all the time. People are rushed to the emergency room for everything from headaches, to chest pain, to broken bones. Each of these ailments, and many others, require some form of imaging. The machines that take your X-Rays, to MRIs, to CT Scans are needed to diagnose and start treatment.
While all of these machines utilize different kinds of images, they are all the same file type; DICOM. DICOM image files, or Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine files are viewed by doctors and patients every single day, all around the world. DICOM files are the standard for viewing, storing, printing, and transmitting, information in medical imaging. With medical records being moved online, DICOM images are following suit. Meaning that both old and new images are being scanned and imported in an electronic medical record storage. All of the scanning and printing of these images can distort them and make them difficult to evaluate.
So how can you be sure that doctors are able to accurately diagnose patients?
ImageGear Medical is the answer.
ImageGear Medical comes with a host of different available integrations and DICOM toolkits that can be used to correct distortion of DICOM images and so much more.
Scanning DICOM images can severely diminish the quality of the images, but ImageGear Medical has you covered. ImageGear comes with ImageCleanTM which features noise removal, including auto-cropping of your crooked images, clean borders to clean up unneeded space, and much more.
The last thing patients want is to be incorrectly diagnosed by low quality or warped images. So if your images need more correction, do not fear! ImageGear also features advanced filtering, including Sharpen, Smooth, and Convolution to ensure that your images are crystal clear.
ImageGear Medical also comes with Accusoft Redlining Toolkit™ (ART) which enables you to annotate on your DICOM files. You can draw arrows, attach sticky notes, and highlight problem areas to collaborate more effectively. And all of these collaboration tools can be merged with the image or stored in a separate file, ensuring that the original file remains unaltered.
Keep up with DICOM industry trends and create a more efficient solution for viewing your images. Evaluate ImageGear Medical for yourself today and see why our imaging SDKs are unbeatable!