Business Process Automation: Why “Good Enough” Won’t Cut It
Workplace stress is on the rise. As noted by Forbes, managers are more stressed than ever. The majority feel they don’t have enough time to complete critical work and leaders from all corporate levels say they lack control over critical business processes. Not surprisingly, process stress starts at the top and rolls downhill, with staff working under stressed managers 62 percent more likely to consider leaving their job and 49 percent less likely to go above and beyond.
The result is a paradox: Paper-based, cumbersome business processes create more stress for staff but are often “good enough” to complete critical tasks. While making changes would relieve the pressure, most managers are too busy (and too stressed) to risk upsetting the status quo. The solution? Business process automation with OnTask.
Stressed to Impress
According to Data Economy, 76 percent of businesses say they’re frustrated by data trapped in legacy systems that make it difficult, if not impossible, to share information across departments or leverage it in the cloud.
On the surface, there’s a simple solution: Implement better alternatives. But the same legacy systems that create stress for managers and employees also underpin critical processes across the enterprise to create a self-sustaining stress cycle. Legacy solutions are “good enough” to get the job done, but never do it well. Implementing change is always on the radar, but never makes the cut because organizations don’t have time to deal with resource-intensive implementation or complicated adoption processes.
The Process Paradox
Consider one of the most common and frustrating processes undertaken by organizations, onboarding.
As noted by HR Technologist, 64 percent of survey respondents said an effective onboarding process helped boost their commitment to new employers, but almost half of starting staff members described the process as “negative.” This is not surprising since 66 percent of companies are still using paper processes and 27 percent take a month or more to fully complete onboarding.
This is why “good enough” isn’t enough. When companies try to unify HR requirements such as start date, benefits, and working space with other departments, things get messy. The finance department needs details to start payroll setup and spending accounts, but IT is also a priority for hardware, software, email, active directory, and access configuration set up. Naturally, this process leads to a fragmented experience for new hires and a frustrating one for managers.
OnTask empowers companies to go with the flow. Our SaaS platform virtually eliminates paperwork and streamlines business workflows to make your team more productive.
Moving Beyond Menial
The biggest problem with “good enough” business processes? Critical dependencies. What happens if key employees quit or paid time off (PTO) requests impact the availability of trained staff? The result is a patchwork of menial task management. Handling the interdependent parts of legacy processes leaves little room for strategic thinking or long-term goal setting.
OnTask lets companies move beyond menial tasks by:
- Standardize Your Workflow— Easily map, replicate, and update your business processes with an intuitive, no-code workflow tool.
- Collect Data — Gain insight faster with accurate data collection and mobile-friendly web forms.
- Populate Documents and Forms — Populate documents with ease from web forms, databases, and other systems.
The End of Good Enough
When it comes down to it, good enough just isn’t adequate. Legacy processes can’t keep pace with increasingly complex workflows, resulting in more stress for staff and less time for business innovation. Ready to eliminate document chaos and empower every department? Schedule a demo today.