ImageGear PDF Management:

  • Create and edit PDFs 
  • Convert Microsoft Office documents to PDF
  • Preserve vector data when saving PDF files
  • Enable PDF Text Extraction
  • Open and process PostScript (PS) and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files
  • Comprehensive PDF API for searchable text, and more
  • Create or delete PDF form fields (AcroForms)
  • Read data from and write data to PDF form fields
  • AcroForm flattening to remove the interactivity from a PDF

PDF Compression

ImageGear offers comprehensive file compression for PDF files that can be quickly integrated into your application without needing a deep understanding of the PDF file type or compression algorithms.

ImageGear PDF Compression:

  • Compress original files up to 45%
  • Virtually unchanged image quality despite the compression process
  • All images within a PDF optimized in a single operation
  • Compresses images, metadata, and fonts
  • Built-in safeguards to ensure that the output file won’t be larger than the input
  • Customizable settings to control the type and amount of compression used

PDF/A and PDF Conversion

Convert PDF files into PDF/A documents with ImageGear. PDF/A is an ISO-standardized type of PDF file used for archiving and long-term preservation of files so they can be reproduced exactly as the original file. Elements, such as fonts, must be self-contained or embedded to preserve the original file’s formatting and properties. 

PDF/A-2b is a strict subset of the ISO PDF specification used to create archival versions of documents with the intent that they will always render exactly the same as when they were saved. 

ImageGear PDF/A:

  • Create PDF/A files from raster image files and scanned images
  • Verify PDF documents for reliable graphic content exchange through PDF/A (PDF/A-2b) compliance
  • Enhancements to improve compliance checks and conversion of PDF to PDF/A-1a and PDf/A-2b

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With robust APIs and SDK’s, and best-in-class support, Accusoft can help you securely embed document & image processing technology in your web applications and system solutions.