Technical FAQs


Does PrizmDoc have a limit to the size of file that can be viewed and edited?


PrizmDoc does not have a limit to the sizes of files that can be displayed and edited. However, do keep in mind that the web server on which PrizmDoc is being hosted may have a limit to the maximum size of files that can be uploaded to it.

The webserver max upload file size would therefore serve as PrizmDoc’s max supported file size when it is hosted on that server.


How does the PrizmDoc print function work exactly?


Every page of the specified print range is being loaded and sent to the printer. This occurs in an iframe separate from what is shown in the Viewer so the user does not actually see this happening.

The actual method being used is one of the following, depending on the browser:

  • _iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('print', false, null);
  • _iframe.contentWindow.print();

In the past I have had some issues installing PrizmDoc Server and Client and I was curious if PrizmDoc create logs during the install? If so, where would they be located?


Yes, PrizmDoc does keep install logs to help troubleshoot failed installations. These logs can by found in the following folder:


All of the install log’s names will start with PrizmDoc_Server or PrizmDoc_Client.

If you do not see any logs in that directory, it could mean your Windows Temp directory maybe mapped to another location. You can find that location by doing the following:

  1. Right-click on the Windows Icon in the lower left hand corner of the desktop.

  2. Select Run.

  3. In the Open: box, type %temp% and click OK.


Why does my markupBurner call with XML data get an InvalidJson error?


The MarkupBurner accepts two types of payloads, XML and JSON.

When making a call to the markup burner with either type, you have to specify what kind of payload you are sending by specifying a Content-Type header.

For more information on MarkupBurners, see here:


I am trying to deploy my ImageGear Pro ActiveX project and am receiving an error stating

The module igPDF18a.ocx failed to load

when registering the igPDF18a.ocx component. Why is this occurring, and how can I register the component correctly?


To Register your igPDF18a.ocx component you will need to run the following command:

regsvr32 igPDF18a.ocx

If you receive an error stating that the component failed to load, then that likely means that regsvr32 is not finding the necessary dependencies for the PDF component.

The first thing you will want to check is that you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 CRT (x86) installed on the machine. You can download this from Microsoft’s site here:

The next thing you will want to check for is the DL100*.dll files. These files should be included in the deployment package generated by the deployment packaging wizard if you included the PDF component when generating the dependencies. These files must be in the same folder as the igPDF18a.ocx component in order to register it.

With those dependencies, you should be able to register the PDF component with regsvr32 without issue.


Why is touch input for PrizmDoc Viewer not working in Chrome version 70+?


PrizmDoc Viewer uses the Chrome Touch API to process touch input. This API was deprecated after Chrome version 70, and must be manually re-enabled in order for touch input to work in PrizmDoc.

For Chrome versions 70-77:

Paste the following link into Chrome to enable the Touch API:


This issue will also occur in the Chromium version of Microsoft Edge.

Paste the following link into Edge to enable the Touch API:


For Chrome Versions 78+:

As of version 78 of Chrome, the touch-events flag has been removed from chrome://flags/ and edge://flags/.

To enable touch-events in versions of Chrome 78 and later, you must set a command-line flag at the end of the target path in your Chrome shortcut properties as demonstrated below:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --touch-events=enabled

We want to use one PAS instance for multiple customers while ensuring their calls and data are separated so that other customers cannot access them. Is there a way PrizmDoc can accomplish this?


How To:

Use the following steps to set up the multi-tenancy feature:

  1. Add a new line inside of /usr/share/prizm/pas/pcc.nix.yml (Linux) or C:\Prizm\pas\ (Windows) in the following format:

undocumentedFeature.multiTenancy: “enabled”

  1. After enabling this feature, all requests to PAS must include the header accusoft-tenant-id. The following shows an example request for creating a new viewing session:
POST /ViewingSession HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
Content-Type: application/json
accusoft-tenant-id: myUniqueTenantId
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 5edd698a-5e4f-46d2-b93a-42cc57371dce
  "source": {
  "type": "document",
  "fileName": "1040ez.pdf"

NOTE: All Tenant Ids are converted to lowercase and must be unique between tenants. This means that in terms of the application both “MyTenant” and “mytenant” are equivalent and would be able to see the same files. Tenant Ids are not generated for the application and must be generated and handled by the integration components. Tenant Ids are also strictly alphanumeric at this time.

File storage including Documents, markupXml, formDefinitions and markupLayerRecords will now be appended with the
{tenantId} as shown in the above example with a Documents configuration of /usr/share/prizm/Samples/Documents. The request would attempt to create a viewing session from the following file: /usr/share/prizm/Samples/Documents/myuniquetenantid/1040ez.pdf

Viewing Package data stored in the database will have the tenantId included in the composite index as well as include an accusoftTenantId column.


What are the different ways to iterate through and select redactions in PrizmDoc Viewer?


Method 1:
Use the mouse to manually select the redactions you want to work with.

Method 2:
With the advancedSearch feature enabled, perform a search of your document. The search will return a list of marks on the document that you can use to select redactions without having to manually locate where they are in the document.


What ports need to be open on my server in order for PrizmDoc to function correctly?


PrizmDoc Server needs to be able to communicate internally over the following ports:

  • 18000
  • 18001
  • 19000-19199

And externally over 18681 (18682 if clustered).

Prizm Application Services (PAS) needs to be able to communicate externally over the following ports:

  • 3000

Users want the ability to have all the documents that they view initially open with the same Zoom Percentage. How can I accomplish this?


Setting the zoom percentage is possible in PrizmDoc. You can listen in on the ScaleChanged event, which is triggered whenever your user changes the zoom level of the Viewer. For more information, refer to the EventType section of the PCCViewer help topic.

Then you could take that value, store it however you want, and use it to set the initial zoom factor of the page upon loading the Viewer using setScaleFactor. For more information and a code sample, refer to the Setting the Initial Zoom Factor help topic.


When doing a text search in a document in PrizmDoc, the highlight color for the search results is a light blue background. Is there a way to change the highlight color for search results in the PrizmDoc Viewer?


You can change the highlight color specifically in the PrizmDoc Viewer file viewer.js file located in the viewer-assets\js folder of your project/application.

You will need to locate 2 instances of the search term “highlightColor: undefined” in the code block below located close to line 4400. The actual line number will vary depending on the version of viewer.js you are using. You can replace “undefined” with a hexadecimal color value which you can look up from the following site:

// This is a request for a new searchQuery triggered by the search input field.
// Generate new search terms, and save them globally.
prevMatchingOptions = _.clone(matchingOptions);

if (matchingOptions.exactPhrase) {
    // We need to match the exact string, as is
    if (queryString.length) {
            searchTerm: queryString,
            highlightColor: undefined,
            searchTermIsRegex: false,
            contextPadding: 25,
            matchingOptions: matchingOptions
} else {
    // Split up multiple words in the string into separate search term objects
    var queryArr = queryString.split(' ');
    queryArr = _.unique(queryArr);
    _.forEach(queryArr, function(query){
        if (query.length) {
                searchTerm: query,
                highlightColor: undefined,
                searchTermIsRegex: false,
                contextPadding: 25,
                matchingOptions: matchingOptions

How can I change the PrizmDoc Viewer so that the TextSelection tool is selected by default instead of the Pan tool?


In order to select the TextSelection tool by default in PrizmDoc Viewer there are a few things you need to take into account. First, you have to click the button inside the embedViewer() function found in the index page of the sample. Second, the button for the text selection tool is actually disabled initially, so in order to be able to click it, the button has to be enabled first by removing the pcc-disabled class.

Use the following code to do this:

function embedViewer(options) {
    var viewer = $('#viewer1').pccViewer(options);
    viewer.viewerControl.on(PCCViewer.EventType.ViewerReady, function(viewer) {