Technical FAQs


Why, when I tried to run the SLU, do I get a ” Component ‘COMDLG32.OCX’ or one of its dependences not correctly registered” error?


This error happens if a particular deployment machine doesn’t have the COMDLG32.OCX file registered. To fix this: 1.   Install the comdlg.ocx dependency, if not available on the target machine. If the comdlg.ocx is not present on the system than it will need to be obtained from a system that has it (it should be available on your development machine in the directory mentioned in step 2). 2.   Place the file in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. (C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on a 64 bit machine) 3.   Register the DLL via the regsvr32.exe command. 4.   You should see a successful message and then be able to proceed with the licensing installation.


What are the best quality images to use when processing form data and recognition?


In all cases, you’ll want to have your images as clear and as clean as possible. For any particular procedure, please consider the following: OCR and ICR: Capture images in at least 300 DPI resolution. Ideally, working in black and white will allow the objects of interest on your image to be better defined and recognized. Free the image form all noise as much as possible. As if a human was reading it, you’ll want the text objects on the image to be as legible as possible. For ICR, make sure that the characters are printed (no cursive text, etc). Barcode recognition: As with OCR and ICR, capture images in at least 300 DPI and working with black and white content can provide excellent results. You’ll also want to make sure that the bars in the barcodes are clearly defined on the image and are not mal-formed (for example, the barcodes should have the proper start and stop sequence, etc). As always, clear as much noise from the image as possible. Forms matching and registration: As with the prior 2 items above, capture your documents in at least 300 DPI. Make sure that your resolution is consistent between your form templates and incoming batch images as well. Form templates should only contain data that is common to every image that is being processed (i.e. – Form fields, the text that appears on the blank form itself, etc). The template should not have filled-in field information as this will affect the forms matching process.


If you are an existing customer, you can access our server using any of the following with your current credentials:


Protocol URL Port

To access the server with FTPS/SFTP using a browser, you may need to install/enable a plugin or extension. To access using HTTPS, you would use the URL shown above. FTPS and SFTP are accessible using most any FTP Client (e.g. filezilla, WinSCP etc.) Windows 10 b1803 and newer have sftp.exe built-in. This is a command-line-only utility for transferring files using SFTP.

As SmartZone runs, it will create a folder in the %TEMP% directory containing a few files that the engine needs to run. If you want to change this location, you can do that by creating an INI file in the same directory as the executable that runs your application. You must name that INI file smartzoneengineloader.ini. The contents of smartzoneengineloader.ini should look like this:


    [smartzoneengineloader] tempdir = C:\Your\Path\Here\

I changed the value of viewingSessionTimeout


If you are using Windows, the value that you are looking to modify is the viewing.sessionLifetime in the central config file prizm-services-config.yml located in the root of the PrizmDoc installation directory (C:\Prizm on Windows, /usr/share/prizm on Linux).

Make sure it is uncommented and without any leading whitespace.

Additionally, please make sure the viewing.cacheLifetime is greater than the viewing.sessionLifetime value.

More information can be found here.

You must restart the PrizmDoc service in order for your changes to take affect.


I have just installed PrizmDoc to my Windows server. When checking the status using http://localhost:18681/admin, the service is showing in a starting phase and ms-office-conversion-service is showing a clock icon, but it never starts.

What are some reasons as to why this might occur?


This can happen if your PrizmDoc license has the MSO feature enabled and you do not have Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016 installed, or Office 2013 or 2016 is not activated.

To fix this issue you can either:

  • Install Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016, activate it, and reboot the server.


  • Switch PrizmDoc to use LibreOffice until you are able to install Microsoft Office by modifying C:\Prizm\prizm-serivices-config.yml and updating the line:
    #fidelity.msOfficeDocumentsRenderer: auto


    fidelity.msOfficeDocumentsRenderer: libreoffice

Currently we are using PAS for viewing packages and it is pointed to our Accusoft Cloud subscription API key. PAS is installed locally and we store the viewing package artifacts in our S3 bucket. We are using 600 GB of storage on S3 for the viewing package artifacts we already have converted.

We would like to start using Accusoft’s Cloud PAS API to create viewing packages and no longer wish to host our own PAS and have the following questions:

  1. Is there a way we can migrate our current artifacts from our S3 bucket to Accusoft’s S3 bucket?
  2. Is there an additional charge for storing the artifacts at Accusoft?
  3. Is there a way to point the Cloud PAS to our existing S3 bucket?

Q: Is there a way we can migrate our current artifacts from our S3 bucket to Accusoft’s S3 bucket?

A: We do not currently offer an API for directly importing your existing viewing packages. However, you can re-create your viewing packages in PrizmDoc Cloud using the original source document.

Q: Is there an additional charge for storing the artifacts at Accusoft?

A: At this time there is no additional charge. However, this is
subject to change.

Q: Is there a way to point the Cloud PAS to our existing S3 bucket?

A: There is currently no setting available to configure your PrizmDoc Cloud account to use an S3 bucket which you own. If you use PrizmDoc Cloud, the storage is managed by Accusoft. If you need to own and manage the storage yourself, you’ll want to use your own Self-Hosted PAS.


After searching a document, an error icon appears in the search results panel. Clicking on it displays the following error message: “x page(s) cannot be searched.” Why does this occur and how can I find out which specific pages couldn’t be searched?


When the PrizmDoc Viewer text-service cannot find any text for a given page in the document, it provides an array of all the pages without text in the response from searchTask results.

In short, the document is fine and simply contains pages without text. If you look at the pagesWithoutText array contained within the response data from searchTasks, you’ll see something like this:

[0, 1, 7, 17, 43, 45, 65, 67, 77, 79,…]

The values reported are pages that do not contain any text but instead are either blank or contain an image. This data can then be used to inform the user of how many pages are not searchable.


Can I move a license from one machine to another?


Currently there is no way to move a license key from one machine to another. Once a license key is tied to a machine, you can remove it from the machine (using the License Manager or manually deleting it from the registry), but that will not credit a license to your account. That said, if you run into an issue where you have licensed a machine by mistake, please contact as they will work with you. We understand this is a current limitation of our licensing system and don’t want you to be adversely affected. Also, typically a development license comes with three “keys”, so if you want to license an additional machine you most likely can. Run and log in to the License Manager and you can see the number of license keys remaining.


Does Accusoft Licensing Talk to Accusoft Servers at Runtime?


No, although if you run an Accusoft licensing utility (as opposed to an OEM key) that will communicate with the Accusoft servers to place a license on your machine. That’s it. When you run your code, network access to Accusoft servers is not necessary.


What are the best quality images to use when processing form data and recognition?


In order to add a new FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition to a FormTableDefinition object, first create a list of type FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition. Next, each FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition object is created and defined and added to this list using the Add method. Finally, this list is assigned to the FormTableDefinition’s ColumnHeaderDefinitions property.


// Create a table definition
FormTableDefinition tableDefinition = new FormTableDefinition();
tableDefinition.Name = "Line Item Table";

// Setup the columns of the table
List<FormTableColumHeaderDefinition> columnHeaderDefinitions = new List<FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition>();

FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition descriptionColumn = new FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition();
descriptionColumn.DataType = FormFieldDataType.GeneralText;
descriptionColumn.Name = "Description";

FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition amountColumn = new FormTableColumnHeaderDefinition();
amountColumn.DataType = FormFieldDataType.Currency;
amountColumn.Name = "Amount";

tableDefinition.ColumnHeaderDefinitions = columnHeaderDefinitions;

// Add the table definition to the form definition
formDefinition.TableDefinitions.Add(tableDefinition.Name, tableDefinition);

I need to share a large file with Accusoft support. What should I do?


Accusoft FTP


If you are an existing customer, you can access our server using any of the following with your current credentials:

Protocol URL Port

To access the server with FTPS/SFTP using a browser, you may need to install/enable a plugin or extension. To access using HTTPS, you would use the URL shown above. FTPS and SFTP are accessible using most any FTP Client (e.g. filezilla, WinSCP etc.) Windows 10 b1803 and newer have sftp.exe built-in. This is a command-line-only utility for transferring files using SFTP.

Share with us from your Cloud Storage

You can share your files with us through your choice of service. Here are some of our suggested options below:

Google Drive

