Technical FAQs


My PrizmDoc Cloud hosted server is reporting as unlicensed even though the license lease file is being written to the S3 bucket, what could be causing this?


This issue can occur when using a single S3 bucket for both licensing files as well as additional document storage. When our cloud licensing module attempts to search for the expected lease file inside of this S3 bucket, it requests the list of objects in that directory. However, whenever there are more than 1,000 objects in this bucket, this call only returns a list of the first 1,000 objects.

If there are over 1,000 objects in the bucket, then this could cause the Licensing Service to not see the license lease file when it gets the list of files. The result is that no lease file is found, which in turn causes the service to go unlicensed.

The solution for this issue is to make sure the bucket you are using for licensing is only used for that purpose. Should you encounter this issue, try moving all other files out of the bucket. If that is not possible, you may need to contact Accusoft Support to request changing the bucket your license uses for licensing.


Why does my markupBurner call with XML data get an InvalidJson error?


The MarkupBurner accepts two types of payloads, XML and JSON.

When making a call to the markup burner with either type, you have to specify what kind of payload you are sending by specifying a Content-Type header.

For more information on MarkupBurners, see here:


I am a PrizmDoc Cloud customer and need to do content conversion with PrizmDoc. Do I have to do anything special to make it work?


Yes, in order to do content conversion as a PrizmDoc Cloud customer, there are a few things you need to do:

  1. Most of the information regarding how to use our content conversion service can be found here, including the requests that can be made to it.
  2. The URL the requests need to go to is, so you will need to make sure the requests for content conversion are going there.
  3. You also need to add a header to the requests as follows: acs-api-key: yourapikey.

Doing these three things will allow you to use content conversion as a PrizmDoc Cloud customer.


Why am I receiving a 500 error when making a Viewing Session PUT request?


This issue can occur if you forget to prefix the {viewingSessionId} portion of the URL with u, or if you simply request an invalid {viewingSessionId} in the call.

For example, the PUT call should look like the following:

PUT /ViewingSession/u{viewingSessionId}/SourceFile

For more information on syntax and other API calls related to Viewing sessions, please see:



Join us for an engaging webinar with Dan Lee, Senior Product Manager at Accusoft, as we unravel the use of AI in eDiscovery.

Key Focus Areas

AI in eDiscovery is a rapidly evolving field that leverages artificial intelligence to automate and enhance various aspects of the eDiscovery process. AI in PrizmDoc helps to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with data privacy.

  • See how AI is used in PrizmDoc to streamline and automate the PII Detection process to find and extract personal information from text documents.
  • Explore methods to establish the context of the identified PII by using surrounding information to help interpret the meaning and relevance of PII in a document and determine the appropriate actions to take.
  • Learn how PrizmDoc’s Redaction tools enable you to add secure masking and removal of PII from your documents to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure and generate a resulting document with the PII securely removed.

In this webinar, we explore real-world cases using PrizmDoc’s APIs and SDK to build automated and more efficient PII identification and redaction workflows.

Key Take-Aways

  • How to use AI in PrizmDoc for PII detection
  • How to establish context for the identified PII
  • How to create resulting documents with the PII securely removed

Take advantage of this opportunity to shape the future of eDiscovery with AI.